Some Uses Of Green Jade

different uses of green jade

There are various different theories about the uses and meanings of green jade depending on the culture. To most people familiar with its benefits, jade blesses whatever it touches. It has served humanity for at least 6,000 years extending back to the most ancient civilizations.

The earliest known historical records show that the use of jade was engraved on healing prescriptions. From Neothilic times in China and India to the Pre-Columbian era in Guatemala, jade was utilized by most early civilizations.

Early Indians in Mexico as well as the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand carved it into deity ornaments for their various rituals and ceremonies. Even without the benefit of using a dremel to carve jade, people who lived long ago were able to create beautiful items from this unique stone.

Green jade is the most popular variety of this gemstone. Most people believe it is a lucky stone which will bring good health, prosperity, and love. It has a reputation for helping people realize their potential and achieve their goals. If you are depressed and need consolation or have other troubling emotional issues, green jade is considered to offer positive energy and beneficial resolutions.

Let us explore some of the common uses of green jade.


Green jade is thought to help one achieve financial prosperity by boosting creative thoughts and ideas. By enhancing your imagination, you will have many more fresh, unique and groundbreaking ideas for business or other endeavors.

As a result, you will be able to acquire new innovative ideas for entrepreneurship. You will be poised to make smart decisions that will help you achieve unexpected success.

The mysterious stone also will assist you in your understanding of your dreams. You will be able to discover your goals (and achieve them) according to your desires and talents. Green jade helps you realize your gifts and strengths. With this clarity of understanding, you will be able to recover from any major disappointment or failure.

For these reasons, green jade is considered by many people to be a professional support stone.

Love and Relationships

If you need to bring calm and peace into a chaotic life of confusion and inconsistencies, green jade is thought to offer quick and effective solutions.

Personal peace is a desirable state of mind for everyone since it allows one to live a happy life without strife and anxiety.

Green jade also helps to eliminate undesirable negative energy. In its place, it brings positive energy that will empower its owner. A flow of positive energy will transform your life and lead to more personal happiness.

jade for good luck

As an example, if you feel exposed to an attack that you are not sure that you can deal with, green jade gives you the strength to fight.
When it comes to challenges in your personal life, be sure to keep your jade close at hand because it is your partner during struggles. It helps you in facing fears and adjusting to any negativity.

Jade keeps you optimistic and confident in making critical life decisions. If you happen to be in a negative love situation, the stone encourages and brightens your life. It is considered by many people to be magical; it turns your sadness into happiness. With jade, there is more positive energy and healthy perspective to life.

Green jade is also your partner in relieving anger. Relationships are uncertain and often disappointing. Whenever you are bitter from heartbreak, angry about something that someone did or said, or feeling sad or frustrated due to the pressures of life, keep the stone in your pocket or purse and your mood will change.

Green jade does not necessarily reverse the negative effects but it boosts your energy which will help you to deal with the situation.

It will help to remove any tensions in a relationship which lower your emotions. You can actually change your weaknesses into strengths; while you feel hurt and disappointed with a partner, this stone helps you to rise above the disappointments. You can be positive and upbeat and get over the disappointment you feel.

The stone helps to remove any negative thing which does not belong to your true self. If you are an extrovert, it will restore this type of energy even when you are disappointed by people. With the stone in your pocket, you gradually will come to understand true love and romance. Falling out of a romantic relationship is often due to mistrust or a slight misunderstanding, Green jade enhances your ability to see clearly any undesirable elements and work on them to help restore or maintain an existing relationship.

Achieving Balance In Life

Steadfastness and stability in life are crucial to achieve a sense of peace and contentment. Green jade is thought to prevent or lessen emotional imbalances due to disappointments or struggles in life.

While most human beings naturally react and respond to positivity and negativity, moderation of emotions and their expression are important. Green jade ensures your mind remains stable at all times to assist you in making wise decisions.

Whenever you are unsure or anxious of the next step in your life, green jade will help to calm you down. You will be less anxious about the uncertainty of life if you have this healing stone in your possession and trust in it.